недеља, 19. март 2023.

Recommended Activities for Older People

As we age, it's essential to maintain an active lifestyle to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Regular physical activity can help prevent chronic diseases, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Engaging in fun and stimulating activities can also combat loneliness and isolation that many older adults face. Here are some recommended activities for older people to enjoy.


Regular exercise is crucial for older people to maintain physical and mental health. It can help prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis, and improve overall fitness. Exercise also releases endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress. Recommended exercises for older adults include:

Strength Training

Strength training can help maintain muscle mass, bone density, and strength, which decline with age. It also improves balance and reduces the risk of falls. Resistance bands, weights, or bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups or squats, can be effective.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, can improve heart health, circulation, and endurance. Older adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

Yoga and Tai Chi

Yoga and Tai Chi are gentle exercises that can improve balance, flexibility, and relaxation. These activities can also be done at home or in a group setting, making them ideal for older adults.

Social Activities

Staying socially active is essential for older adults to prevent loneliness and isolation. Social activities can also improve mental health and cognitive function. Recommended social activities for older people include:


Volunteering can give older adults a sense of purpose, improve social connections, and provide opportunities to learn new skills. They can also help others, which can boost self-esteem and well-being.

Clubs and Groups

Joining clubs or groups, such as book clubs or hobby groups, can help older adults meet like-minded people and engage in shared interests. These activities can also provide opportunities to learn new things and keep the mind active.


Traveling can provide a sense of adventure and exploration for older adults. It can also provide opportunities to connect with family and friends or meet new people.

Creative Activities

Engaging in creative activities can provide older adults with a sense of purpose, improve cognitive function, and reduce stress. Recommended creative activities for older people include:

Art and Crafts

Art and crafts activities, such as painting or knitting, can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost creativity. These activities can also be done alone or in groups, making them ideal for older adults.


Music can provide emotional and cognitive benefits for older adults, such as reducing anxiety and improving memory. Playing an instrument or singing can also provide a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment.


Writing can be a therapeutic activity for older adults, providing an outlet for self-expression and reflection. It can also improve cognitive function and memory.


Engaging in regular physical, social, and creative activities can help older adults maintain physical and mental health, prevent chronic diseases, and combat loneliness and isolation. These activities can be done alone or in groups, making them ideal for older adults. Remember to consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise program.

The best nursing home in Belgrade - Stracki dom vozdovac - Avalska Oaza


What are some benefits of regular exercise for older adults?
Regular exercise can help prevent chronic diseases, improve overall fitness, and release endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress.

What are some recommended social activities for older adults?
Recommended social activities for older adults include volunteering, joining clubs or groups, and traveling. These activities can improve social connections, provide a sense of purpose, and prevent loneliness and isolation.

What are some recommended creative activities for older adults?
Recommended creative activities for older adults include art and crafts, music, and writing. These activities can provide a sense of accomplishment, boost creativity, and improve cognitive function and memory.

Can older adults participate in group fitness classes?
Yes, many gyms and community centers offer group fitness classes specifically designed for older adults, such as yoga or low-impact aerobics.

What should older adults consider before starting a new exercise program?
Before starting a new exercise program, older adults should consult with a doctor to ensure it's safe and appropriate for their current health status and any medical conditions they may have.

How can older adults stay motivated to continue their physical activity?
Finding an activity that they enjoy, setting achievable goals, and finding a workout partner or group can help older adults stay motivated and committed to their physical activity routine.

недеља, 30. август 2020.

Novi dom za stara lica u Beogradu


U našem gradu postoji veliki broj domova za stara lica koji korisnicima doma nude različite vrste usluga i različite tipove smeštaja. Pored nekoliko staračkih domova u državnom valsništvu Beograd ima i veliki broj privatnih staračkih domova koji se mogu naći u svim krajevima grada. Ovako veliki broj domova za stare doprinosi povećanju nivoa kvaliteta smeštaja i svih ostalih usluga koje privatni starački domovi nude svojim korisnicima usled oštre konkurencije među njima.

Jedan od njih je i privatni starački dom Vila Dvor koji je pušten u rad ove godine. Dom za stara lica Vila Dvor raspolaže sa 38 ležaja za smeštaj korisnika, a u ponudi ima  nekoliko apartmana i veliki broj soba sa različitim smeštajnim kapacitetom. Apartmani su napravljeni za boravak jednog stanara i u okviru apartmana imaju pripadajuće kupatilo. Sve sobe po smeštajnom kapacitetu mogu biti: dvoktevetne, trokrevetne i četvorokrevetne. Sobe koje se nalaze na istom spratu imaju svoje zajedničko kupatilo.

Starački dom Vila Dvor je izgrađen planiranski da bude starački dom. Naš dom odlikuje komforan smeštaj u apartmanima i veliki broj soba sa prostranim i širokim terasama. Dom za stara lica poseduje putnički lift koji omogućava kretanje i nepokretnim korisnicima u invalidskim kolicima na lak i jednostavan način. Naš dom okružuje veoma prostrano dvorište u kome se nalaze dva letnjikovca koji su namenjeni za korisnike staračkog doma i posetioce doma tokom godine, kada to dozvoljavaju vremenski uslovi.

Nega svih stanara staračkog doma vodi obučeno medicinsko osoblje, dežurne sestre i glavni doktor koji više puta u toku nedelje obilazi sve korisnike našeg doma kojima je potreban lekarski nadzor ili provera dnevne terapije. Stručno osposobljene sestre i negovateljice pomažu svim korisnicima doma u kretanju po domu, hranjenju, održavanju lične higijene i davanju redovnih terapija.

Dom za stara lica u Beogradu i Vila Dvor kao i većina drugih staračkih domova u Beogradu ima zaposlenog socijalnog radnika. Socijalni radnik ima obavezu da svakodnevno vodi brigu o društvenom životu korisnika, njihovom uklapanju u novu sredinu i ukupnom psiho-fizičkom stanju. Sociolog je tu da organizuje svakodnevne aktivnosti, organizuje proslave, dnevne izlete i sve ostale dnevne aktivnosti neophodne za što bolji i kvalitetniji društveni život stanara našeg doma. Ishrana u domu za stara lica Vila Dvor je podeljena na tri glavna obroka i dve užine (pre i posle podne). Sve hrana koja se se priprema u našem domu je po HACCP standardima. U dogovoru sa nutricionistom koji kreira nedeljni jelovnik prema potrebama i zdravstvrnom stanju korisnika smeštenih u našem domu. Pored tri glavna jela korisnicima se u toku dana serviraju i dve užine koje se spremaju od sezonskog svežeg voća ili kolač.

Dom za stara lica Beograd Vila Dvor je nalazi se na samo 5 kilometara od centra grada, ali uspeva da bude prava oaza mira za svoje korisnike. Smeštan u jednu sporednu ulicu na obronku brda ispod Dedinja, naš dom za stara lica svojim stanarima pruža neophodan mir i tišinu. A u isto vreme je veoma blizu svim ostalim delovima Beograda. Pozivamo da nas obiđete i uverite se u maksimalan kvalitet naših usluga i komfor smeštaja koji nudimo našim korisnicima.

уторак, 12. мај 2020.

Choosing a Funeral Home

Each of us is at some point in a situation where one of our loved ones will die. At that moment, in addition to the sadness and pain of a lost of loved one, we also need to think about how to organize the funeral ceremony. In any case, one of the relatives or some friend can help a lot, but often people are in a situation where they cannot burden anyone with that obligation. So they decide to found best funeral home (pogrebno) for their need.

How to start the search?

In this situation, it is best to look for a funeral company or agency on internet localy and ask them for funeral services and organization. This will make it much easier for you to find what you looking for. People who work in a funeral home know very well what is the order of things and obligations that need to be done. From the moment of death to the time of burial, two to three days pass, and in such a short period of time many things have to be done.

In those few days, in addition to the obligation you have towards family, family and friends who agree to make condolences, you should visit a couple of institutions and do all the work to arrange a funeral. From where the deceased will be buried, what funeral equipment to buy for burial, what documents are required for funeral, the publication in the dailies, organizing the funeral, church and transportation.

All this needs to be planned, organized and done in just three days or less. Because of all of the above, you should contact someone who can professionally perform all the funeral services and purchase funeral equipment for you. But how to choose a best funeral company in Belgrade for your needs? If you search the internet, and type Pogrebno Beograd this search has a really large offer of funeral home businesses and funeral agencies. They all offer funeral services and funeral equipment but prices may be different and what is most important who will provide the good organization of funeral.

On what to pay attention?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the prices of funeral services in Belgrade, as they can be very different. Prices of funeral are affected by a number of things. Most of all, what kind of funeral equipment you will choose for the deceased. First the funeral crate and everything that goes with it from the funeral equipment to the choice of flower arrangements. Then the cemetery, location, type of funeral or cremation, and lot of other things related to the religion and customs.
If you follow some normal principles, the total cost of the funeral may not exceed the amount reimbursed by the Serbian PIO Fund, but people often want to show up and spend lot of money on luxury end expensive funeral equipment, so the cost of funeral equipment can be high at the end.

Since the funeral service does all other things for you, pay special attention to the cost of providing funeral services. There are often some hidden costs that significantly affect the final cost of the funeral, which may at first seem insignificant to you. Each visit to one of the institutions such as hospital, newspapers, of government funeral office is calculated and forms the final price of their services. Therefore, it is necessary as much as possible at that moment to inquire in detail about each step up to the time of burial and how much every step will costs.

Ask for recommendation

Before going to a funeral home, ask friends or family for a recommendation. Choose a funeral company with long experience in providing of funeral services, such as funeral company Konkordija from Belgrade, which has over four decades of experience with funeral services. Such a long internship is an indicator of quality in providing funeral services and professionalism in performing them. Your goal is, of course, to get everything done and have a dignified funeral for you loved one, but not to overpay their funeral services.

Do not rush with your decisions and choose the first funeral home you come across. Take your time and think about everything. Some time is very hard to think in this situation about everything before you make your choice and choose the funeral home. However, the funeral of your loved one is happening only once in a life time and there is no room for error. When it comes to funeral services and funeral companies, Belgrade offers a large number and selection of funeral agencies and businesses, so you will surely find one that meets your wishes and needs.

Source: Pogrebno preduzeće - Konkordija

петак, 23. јун 2017.

Kid Skin Warts

Wart is a skin growth that can look individually or in clusters. It is an infectious disease brought on by HPV or human papilloma virus. It can be really embarrassing to have warts particularly on the face and neck. They are unattractive and can impact your skin warts actual physical visual appeal. It is important to know how to get rid of neck and experience warts to feel and seem better.Listed here are some suggestions on how to get rid of warts:

See your doctor or dermatologist. Facial wart is not a severe well being issue but it can impact kinds self-esteem and visual appeal. Facial pores and skin problem is a big problem to most victims and it is ideal to check out your doctor for immediate remedy. Your medical professional might prescribe medications or creams to get rid of neck and experience warts. Your medical doctor might also advise surgical processes like freezing, burning and laser treatment to get rid of the warts.House remedies. There are also typical solutions to get rid of neck and face warts that you can do at the comfort of your personal residence. Apple cider vinegar, onions, sesame oil, garlic and uncooked potato are some of the house solutions that can help you get rid of neck and face warts. These treatment options might consider time for you to see important outcomes but with persistence, you can get rid of unpleasant warts employing house cures.

Option remedies are yet another option for people who want to stay away from the high expense of medicines and surgeries. The good news is, all-natural cures are nonetheless all around since they are inexpensive and successful treatment for some pores and skin and overall health issues.

субота, 21. новембар 2015.

Juice extractors and Food processor

A lot of people have been able to get a lot of miles out of drinking more drink. Juice may not be the ideal health and fitness food, largely because liquid has a tendency to be simply full of sugar. Nevertheless , juiced vegetables and fruits are still going to be high in vitamins and minerals and all manner of antioxidants. Fruit drinks are still certainly worth ingesting, which is all the more reason why juicers are kitchen must-haves.

Juice extractors and Food processors

Getting a mixer that has a juicer setting may be a better idea than simply acquiring a juicer for many different causes. This is partly due to the fact that smoothies are much healthier than fruit drinks. People will get more fibers when they drink their smoothies, and smoothies do not have a tendency to eliminate the healthiest parts of the particular fruit, in sharp compare to juices. As such, it creates more sense to alternate smoothies and juices.

Food mixers will allow people to make smoothies. Many of them will also have options for pureeing fruits and vegetables, and also settings for juicing vegetables and fruit. It’s a good idea to have alternatives when it comes to preparing fruits and vegetables this way, and blenders are the sorts of kitchen must-haves that will offer people the options that they will need.

Brands of Juicers and Food processors

Best juicers on the market and blenders last but not least the scene forty years before, and they have only increased inside popularity ever since. As such, these day there are plenty of different blenders along with juicers out there. People may experience themselves frustrated with all of the different alternatives that they have since most of these choices are going to seem related.

Breville has some of the most effective juicers and blenders close to. Cuisinart was one of the first companies on the scene, and they have got plenty of time to fully perfect their particular techniques. A blender coming from any one of these companies could possibly be regarded as a kitchen essential. People will be able to make a variety of excellent juice drinks with one of these machines, and they will be able to help to make lots of different blended fruit in addition to vegetable beverages in general. You can find dedicated juicers for fruit and veggies.

Juice extractors and Food processor Rewards

Not everybody has time and energy to be able to eat about eight servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Even paying for all of them is something of a daunting task. Wanting to eat all of them all the time undoubtedly can act as a job in its right. The people that can mix them all into mixed fruit drinks will be able to approximately consume most of the fruits and vegetables they need when they are on-the-go, which can be something of a rare high-class.

A juice extractor or food blender can give people the opportunity to spend less and time when they take in healthily. Lots of vegetables are only too bland to eat at all times on their own. On the other hand , they can turn on when people blend them within their new fresh fruit smoothies. A ninja blender is a true kitchen necessary.

недеља, 1. новембар 2015.

Seo optimizacija web sajtova

Seo optimizacija sajtova je sastavni deo marketinga jednog web sajta. Kao što je na televiziji neophodno postaviti reklamu za vaš proizvod tako je neophodno imati dobru seo optimizacijua sajta. Optimizacija sajtova je jedan dugotrajan proces, uz pomoć koga usmeravate korisnike ka vašem sajtu. Optimizacija sajtova je osnova uspeha svakog sajta

Seo optimizacija web sajta omogućava njegovo dobro pozicioniranje na pretraživačima kao što su Google, Yahoo i Bing. Svaki od pretraživača ima svoj način na koji vrši selekciju sajtova i izbacuje rezultate pretrage, a optimizacija sajta upravo omogućuje da se ta selekcija i izacivanje rezultata pretrage ostvari u vašu korist tj da vaš sajt bude izlistan na prvoj strani Google pretraživača.

Optimizacija web sajta je neprekidan proces koji mora da se stalno prati i dopunjuje u skladu sa promenama koje nameću vodeći pretraživači. Konkurencija se isto kao i vi bavi optimizacijom svojih web sajtova tako da se neprestano vodi bitka oko pozicioniranja web sajtova na prvim stranama pretraživača.

среда, 30. јул 2014.

Best juicers for you

best juicers on the marketJuicers, as well well-known like fruit juice extractors, are generally devices that take away fruit juice out of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Consuming fresh produced fruit juice frequently is recognized to have much amounts of health benefits to your health and wellbeing.
Best Juice extractors occur in various models which specialize in many tasks. Presently there are citrus juice extractor, centrifugal juice extractor, wheatgrass juice extractor, masticating juice extractor, and triturating juice extractors, most of that currently have their individual advantages and disadvantages.

The tendency of possessing a juices extractor has never ever been larger in this nation, regards for great part to the level of popularity of the movie, “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”. The movie follows around Joe Cross, an fat Australian male wanting to transform his everyday life with the benefits of juices. The guy makes the choice to fast for SIXTY days, vowing to eat just fresh produced veggie juice during that time period. With his reliable juicer, the guy travels the region advertising and marketing the life changing effects of healthy veggie and fruit juice. At the end of the movie, Joe is actually a brand-new guy; in shape and also much healthier than ever before.

The popularity of the movie keeps growing even still, because Joe’s achievement story is motivating a great number of Us citizens to follow in his actions. The end result of this change in perspective for healthier eating and eating habits is really a increase in demand for top juice extractors. But, many people are uninformed regarding which juicer is best to purchase. At this time there are lots of facts to consider prior to buying a juicer, like efficiency, sturdiness, selling price, level of noise, simplicity of use, ease of cleaning, easy set up, as well as visual design and style and also attractiveness.

Here on this website The Best Juicers we now have chose the very best level of quality as well as top juices extractors in the marketplace for your home, reducing the selection of juicers from which to choose. Maybe, some of our reviews of the top rated juicers may keep you well informed which juicer would certainly be the best choice to your specific needs.