недеља, 30. август 2020.

Novi dom za stara lica u Beogradu


U našem gradu postoji veliki broj domova za stara lica koji korisnicima doma nude različite vrste usluga i različite tipove smeštaja. Pored nekoliko staračkih domova u državnom valsništvu Beograd ima i veliki broj privatnih staračkih domova koji se mogu naći u svim krajevima grada. Ovako veliki broj domova za stare doprinosi povećanju nivoa kvaliteta smeštaja i svih ostalih usluga koje privatni starački domovi nude svojim korisnicima usled oštre konkurencije među njima.

Jedan od njih je i privatni starački dom Vila Dvor koji je pušten u rad ove godine. Dom za stara lica Vila Dvor raspolaže sa 38 ležaja za smeštaj korisnika, a u ponudi ima  nekoliko apartmana i veliki broj soba sa različitim smeštajnim kapacitetom. Apartmani su napravljeni za boravak jednog stanara i u okviru apartmana imaju pripadajuće kupatilo. Sve sobe po smeštajnom kapacitetu mogu biti: dvoktevetne, trokrevetne i četvorokrevetne. Sobe koje se nalaze na istom spratu imaju svoje zajedničko kupatilo.

Starački dom Vila Dvor je izgrađen planiranski da bude starački dom. Naš dom odlikuje komforan smeštaj u apartmanima i veliki broj soba sa prostranim i širokim terasama. Dom za stara lica poseduje putnički lift koji omogućava kretanje i nepokretnim korisnicima u invalidskim kolicima na lak i jednostavan način. Naš dom okružuje veoma prostrano dvorište u kome se nalaze dva letnjikovca koji su namenjeni za korisnike staračkog doma i posetioce doma tokom godine, kada to dozvoljavaju vremenski uslovi.

Nega svih stanara staračkog doma vodi obučeno medicinsko osoblje, dežurne sestre i glavni doktor koji više puta u toku nedelje obilazi sve korisnike našeg doma kojima je potreban lekarski nadzor ili provera dnevne terapije. Stručno osposobljene sestre i negovateljice pomažu svim korisnicima doma u kretanju po domu, hranjenju, održavanju lične higijene i davanju redovnih terapija.

Dom za stara lica u Beogradu i Vila Dvor kao i većina drugih staračkih domova u Beogradu ima zaposlenog socijalnog radnika. Socijalni radnik ima obavezu da svakodnevno vodi brigu o društvenom životu korisnika, njihovom uklapanju u novu sredinu i ukupnom psiho-fizičkom stanju. Sociolog je tu da organizuje svakodnevne aktivnosti, organizuje proslave, dnevne izlete i sve ostale dnevne aktivnosti neophodne za što bolji i kvalitetniji društveni život stanara našeg doma. Ishrana u domu za stara lica Vila Dvor je podeljena na tri glavna obroka i dve užine (pre i posle podne). Sve hrana koja se se priprema u našem domu je po HACCP standardima. U dogovoru sa nutricionistom koji kreira nedeljni jelovnik prema potrebama i zdravstvrnom stanju korisnika smeštenih u našem domu. Pored tri glavna jela korisnicima se u toku dana serviraju i dve užine koje se spremaju od sezonskog svežeg voća ili kolač.

Dom za stara lica Beograd Vila Dvor je nalazi se na samo 5 kilometara od centra grada, ali uspeva da bude prava oaza mira za svoje korisnike. Smeštan u jednu sporednu ulicu na obronku brda ispod Dedinja, naš dom za stara lica svojim stanarima pruža neophodan mir i tišinu. A u isto vreme je veoma blizu svim ostalim delovima Beograda. Pozivamo da nas obiđete i uverite se u maksimalan kvalitet naših usluga i komfor smeštaja koji nudimo našim korisnicima.

уторак, 12. мај 2020.

Choosing a Funeral Home

Each of us is at some point in a situation where one of our loved ones will die. At that moment, in addition to the sadness and pain of a lost of loved one, we also need to think about how to organize the funeral ceremony. In any case, one of the relatives or some friend can help a lot, but often people are in a situation where they cannot burden anyone with that obligation. So they decide to found best funeral home (pogrebno) for their need.

How to start the search?

In this situation, it is best to look for a funeral company or agency on internet localy and ask them for funeral services and organization. This will make it much easier for you to find what you looking for. People who work in a funeral home know very well what is the order of things and obligations that need to be done. From the moment of death to the time of burial, two to three days pass, and in such a short period of time many things have to be done.

In those few days, in addition to the obligation you have towards family, family and friends who agree to make condolences, you should visit a couple of institutions and do all the work to arrange a funeral. From where the deceased will be buried, what funeral equipment to buy for burial, what documents are required for funeral, the publication in the dailies, organizing the funeral, church and transportation.

All this needs to be planned, organized and done in just three days or less. Because of all of the above, you should contact someone who can professionally perform all the funeral services and purchase funeral equipment for you. But how to choose a best funeral company in Belgrade for your needs? If you search the internet, and type Pogrebno Beograd this search has a really large offer of funeral home businesses and funeral agencies. They all offer funeral services and funeral equipment but prices may be different and what is most important who will provide the good organization of funeral.

On what to pay attention?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the prices of funeral services in Belgrade, as they can be very different. Prices of funeral are affected by a number of things. Most of all, what kind of funeral equipment you will choose for the deceased. First the funeral crate and everything that goes with it from the funeral equipment to the choice of flower arrangements. Then the cemetery, location, type of funeral or cremation, and lot of other things related to the religion and customs.
If you follow some normal principles, the total cost of the funeral may not exceed the amount reimbursed by the Serbian PIO Fund, but people often want to show up and spend lot of money on luxury end expensive funeral equipment, so the cost of funeral equipment can be high at the end.

Since the funeral service does all other things for you, pay special attention to the cost of providing funeral services. There are often some hidden costs that significantly affect the final cost of the funeral, which may at first seem insignificant to you. Each visit to one of the institutions such as hospital, newspapers, of government funeral office is calculated and forms the final price of their services. Therefore, it is necessary as much as possible at that moment to inquire in detail about each step up to the time of burial and how much every step will costs.

Ask for recommendation

Before going to a funeral home, ask friends or family for a recommendation. Choose a funeral company with long experience in providing of funeral services, such as funeral company Konkordija from Belgrade, which has over four decades of experience with funeral services. Such a long internship is an indicator of quality in providing funeral services and professionalism in performing them. Your goal is, of course, to get everything done and have a dignified funeral for you loved one, but not to overpay their funeral services.

Do not rush with your decisions and choose the first funeral home you come across. Take your time and think about everything. Some time is very hard to think in this situation about everything before you make your choice and choose the funeral home. However, the funeral of your loved one is happening only once in a life time and there is no room for error. When it comes to funeral services and funeral companies, Belgrade offers a large number and selection of funeral agencies and businesses, so you will surely find one that meets your wishes and needs.

Source: Pogrebno preduzeće - Konkordija